Sunday, 8 March 2009

Jazzmanix Summer Concert

Hi guys... Zoe here. I have just returned from the Jazzmanix Summer Concert and absolutely loved, loved loved it!! So much energy and excitement in one room... you wouldn't believe!!

It was held at the Church of Immaculate Conception and was energy packed the whole way through. The first half was made up of small vocal groups and the second half was taken on by the full choir and their amazing band... there must have been at least 80 singers on stage! The choir sang a range of songs from Gospel classics (including "Glorious" and "Rachel") to pop hits including Take That's "Never Forget". It really was a night to remember!!

For more information on Jazzmanix check out their website... where you can hear a sample of their new cd, view photos of the choir and find out about upcoming concerts and events.

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